Enhancing Fertility with Ayurveda
with Terra Rafael
Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Midwife (now retired)
With detailed slides and images, Terra outlines the methods available in Ayurveda to support those having difficulty conceiving who want a more holistic and natural approach to perinatal care, including:
- Anatomy and physiology of fertility and conception for both women and men
- Natural family planning techniques with emphasis on fertility awareness and improvement
- Ayurvedic therapeutic approaches to supporting healthy fertility
- An overview of Ayurvedic cleansing and rejuvenation techniques to improve fertility
The course includes extensive class materials and visual aids, including 79 pages of written notes and PDFs of the slide shows in the course.
Students will have the option to hire Terra as a mentor to help them study or as a practitioner/consultant to help them troubleshoot fertility issues. She welcomes both professional Ayurvedic practitioners and birthworkers, as well as moms (and Dads) to-be.
This course is approved for 5 NAMA PACE CEUs. To receive Certificate of Completion, complete exams and homework and email them to Terra.
Class 1: Female Anatomy and Physiology
- Video on Female Reproductive Anatomy
- Female Reproductive Anatomy Slide Show PDF
- Video on Female Reproductive Physiology
- Female Cycles Slide Show PDF
- Video on Ayurveda’s View of Female Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology
- Notes PDF
- Exam Class 1 PDF
Class 2: Male A&P and Fertility
- Video Part 1: Male Reproductive Anatomy and Ayurveda
- Video Part 2: Male Fertility with Ayurveda
- Male Anatomy and Physiology and Fertility Slide Show
- Notes PDF
- Exam Class 2 PDF
Class 3 Female Fertility
- Video Part 1
- Video Part 2
- Notes PDF
- Exam Class 3 PDF