Introduces the processes of Ayurveda that can cleanse and rejuvenate. Video describes how it can support healthy menses, fertility, and menopause.
Cleanse Rejuvenate with Ayurveda
This 24 minute video introduces the processes of Ayurveda that can cleanse and rejuvenate.While there are many kinds of cleanses out there to choose from, Ayurveda emphasizes that
- cleanses should be individualized to best support the person
- only cleansing strips the person down rather than building – rejuvenation is an essential step to the process, which again needs to be individualized according to the state of the person after the cleanse
- cleansing and rejuvenating is often needed to “reset” the body into a new phase of health
- cleansing and rejuvenating allows the body to receive other therapies with greater efficacy
There are many levels of cleansing and rejuvenating available-
- cleansing foods
- simple kichari diets
- cleansing herbs
- pancha karma – a deeper and more complex process.
Cleansing and rejuvenating can be important in supporting healthy menses, fertility, and menopause.
You might want to have an Initial Consult with Terra or Learn Beginning Ayurveda too!