Women have so many cycles within their “period” – many not really known to them. By understanding these cycles YOUR cycles may make more sense and you can take an active role in making your cycles healthier. 11+ minutes that could change your life!
Women have so many female cycles within their “period” – many not really known to them. We have menstrual, ovarian, hormonal, uterine movement, fertile fluid, and temperature cycles and their components. All of them interact to create the menstrual-fertility cycle. To have healthy periods and fertility you need all of these cycles to be working well. When some are off, they are symptoms that give us information about where we need to bring balance.
By understanding these cycles YOUR cycles may make more sense and you can take an active role in making your cycles healthier. 11+ minutes that could change your life!
Be sure to see Your Female Anatomy Revealed for understanding more about your body.