Shamanism is a timeless practice that connects us to Heaven, to Earth, AND our Deepest Self. These practices seem to be inherent in those who try it, yet generally dormant in our culture. It was dominant for the thousands of years that humans lived sustainably on the planet as part of Nature, rather than apart from Nature.
- Want to make the belief that all of life is sacred more than an opinion?
- Looking for a practice that sustains you….and may help sustain the Earth too?
- Ready to delve into the unseen realms?
You can enjoy and experience the power, protection, and nurturance of Shamanism in your life. Terra offers these supportive guides to creating your own practice:
Step One – Understand how shamanism is healing for people and the planet. Learn basics about the Lower, Middle, and Upper Worlds and what they are like. Find out more about what journeying is and how to do it. A lecture by Terra on YouTube.
Step Two – a guided journey to meet your Power Animal in the Lower World. Terra will meet with you privately via Zoom to help you journey. Meeting and relating with your Power Animal is a crucial part of journeying safely. Your Power Animal is your power and protection. This is a session by donation and you can sign up by emailing Terra at wisewomanhood@gmail.com with your schedule and wish. This session takes up to one hour, maybe less.
Step Three – Once you have a Power Animal, you can join our free monthly Shamanic Study Group. A group meeting creates a community, as well as way to learn from each other. We meet the 4th Sunday of the month, 10 am Mountain Time for up to 1 ½ hour. Terra leads a topic share and discussion, then rattles for everyone to journey. After the journey, participants take notes on their experiences and share with the group. Register for the zoom link . There is also a similar group the 2nd Sunday, same time with Jyoti Wind, another practitioner, which you can sign up for .
Apprenticeship with Terra: Shamanic Practice
Wish guidance in exploring the Shamanic worlds?
Terra offers you guidance through recorded and live journeying, recommendations for readings and further studies, and support in finding/strengthening your relationship with your Spirit Helpers.
Apprenticeship with Terra includes 2 personal monthly sessions, approximately 1 hr live zoom or in person meetings; access to all her shamanic recordings of past study groups; attendance at monthly group study group on zoom , and Text/email correspondence, both personal and group, on relevant topics.
$270/ 3 month session, can be extended month to month after that or another 3 months if desired.
Available on demand. Email Terra to begin.
Live Zoom , on demand
Imagine a place in Nature that’s special to you – real or imaginary. We will use this in creating a Sacred, Safe place in the Middle/Dream World to do Shamanic work. It is another technique for accessing and interacting with the Spirit World.
- This is a place to begin and end journeys.
- Meet helpful spirits here, ancestors & saints, gods & goddesses.
- Participate in healing work here.
- Increase your personal power and spiritual immunity.
- Initiate changes in your personality and habits.
- Keep gifts and tools from spirit journeys here.
To indicate interest and register with Terra By donation. Be sure the type of session you’re interested in as the subject line.
In this shamanic journey and indicated ceremony, we will cleanse your womb of old psychic baggage, allowing for more radiant health of both physical AND spiritual wombs. This supports creativity on all levels. (Especially helpful if you’ve had a hysterectomy.) Best done in tandem with herbal and other physical remedies as well, so may be a part of a health consultation with Terra if you so desire.
You’ll receive further instructions on how to continue the ceremony to fully empower yourself .
To register (donation) email Terra .
Live Zoom on demand, email interest
A guided journey to your deep Upper World self, your light and love self, your Atman, Guardian Angel, or Oversoul. In this way, you can more easily remember it and reconnect to it.
Part One – Getting Acquainted with Your Atman, Oversoul, Aumakua, Or Guardian Angel
Part Two – Shamanic Journey and Meditation Practices To Strengthen Your Connection
By donation, email Terra to begin.
Live Zoom session, on demand.
We will begin with talking about the Feminine Power of the Moon and go on two journeys to the Moon: One to meet an embodiment of the Feminine Power for direct, personal teachings and another journey to fill and empty and fill again with the Light of the Moon, entraining to the spiritual as well as physical light.
If you haven’t journeyed before, contact Terra at least one week to have a journey experience.
Email Terra to begin. By donation. Be sure the name of the class you’re interested is in the subject line.