Ancestor season is now. So many cultures find the veils to be thin between the land of living and those gone from Earth in this season. From the roots of Halloween in Europe to Mexican Day of the Dead to Hindu Pitru Paksha – all are about honoring those who have died before us, especially our beloved ancestors.
We can remember them.
One simple way is to make an Ancestor Altar. With photos, objects reminiscent of them, even their favorite foods and drinks, we can create space to remember.
We can honor them.
One tradition is to deck their graves with flowers and decorations. Another is to contribute or work for a charity in their name. And certainly we may send our best love and wishes to them, to sustain them in the Other World they are now in.
We can commune with them.
Whether you might use a Ouiji board or go on a shamanic inner journey to the land of the dead, you can still contact you ancestors , now in spirit form. They may give you a sign, showing up symbolically to you in the form of an animal, a rainbow, or finding a coin like those they often gave you when you were a child. Your love for them is a pathway between you.
However you choose to relate to your ancestors, this is the prime time for it. Know that you are the result of hundreds and hundreds of ancestors, known and unknown. And they can be there for you now.
For more about Shamanic Journeying contact Terra.